Hello all!
Kathy here, from beautiful and mostly cool, Pagosa Springs! I wanted to bring you up to tempo on the exciting happenings with Mountain Light Music Festival. Board member, Carol Larsen, and myself have been working on bringing in more sponsorships and underwriters. Two in-town performances are booked for Wednesday, August 8, 2018 at the Community United Methodist Church. Personally, I am very excited about this venue because it will allow for some antiphonal selections. The pastor, Leighton Mekeal, was a trombonist, and still dabbles a bit. Leighton is very excited for his church to hose this special Downtown concert. Pagosa Springs Property Owners Association will host the second in-town performance on Friday, August 10, 2018, at their Clubhouse.This is one of the largest indoor venues in town and when filled with a gracious audience, acoustics are pretty good. Tickets have been printed and delivered to our ticket vendors: Pagosa Springs Chamber of Commerce, The Choke Cherry Tree, Community United Methodist Church, Airport Self-Storage, Bookends, PLPOA, and members of the Pagosa Mountain Rotary. To the auditioned Brass students: I can’t wait to meet you all and, of course, hear you perform! We are excited that you will spend one glorious week of music with us here in Pagosa Springs. To our Faculty: Thank you, once again, for sharing your talents, experience, and gifts with these amazing students and the town of Pagosa Springs. We are honored to have you here and so blessed with the amazing music you will be performing. See you all soon! Kathy Wadenpfuhl MLMF Event Organizer
Brent PhillipsApplied Trombone Faculty - Baylor University Archives
June 2023
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